Building an online presence and website

Posted on May 31, 2020, in: Blog

Hey hunnies, I hope you’re all okay and not got to

stir crazy in lockdown. 

I think I’ve had it pretty easy compared to many, I can’t even imagine how people are

coping trying to home school, work, and still juggle day to day jobs alongside all of that! But like many we just get on with it (because what other choice is there). I want you all to know how amazing your doing! Keep smashing it, your doing an incredible job! 

I’d also like to thank the NHS, careers, farmers or any key worker that has had to remain working during this time. Your bravery and sacrifices are truly inspiring.💞 

So today I’m going to be giving you a little insight of how I’ve been dealing with the whole lockdown experience how I dealt with it, what I’ve been doing and the things I’ve achieved throughout lockdown.

At first, I’m sure like many I found the whole lockdown situation daunting and terrifying but now looking back and reflecting on this unusual and uncertain time we are beginning to see light at the end of the tunnel and can focus on going forward.  

All the memories I’ve made with my family and the celebrations we’ve shared (however it may be online) having the time to actually sit back and look how much you’ve achieved! To think at the beginning of the year I was working full time in a salon (that I remain working at and absolutely love it there) all excited as I was jetting off to Australia within days. Now 5 months down the line I’ve got my amazing business Simply Soph and the most incredible clients which have made this all possible. Without them i wouldn’t be living my dream. At 22 years of age I’d never have thought I’d have my own business, people re creating my work, a website and over 1000 followers online. 

Since being in lockdown, it’s given me the time I wouldn’t usually have to create content for a website and to build my online present. I’m not going to lie it’s felt like a full time job in itself😂 I now fully understand why social media management is a job!! (Hat is well and truly off to you guys) who knew upload times and hashtags made such a difference?! Anyway.. I’m going off on a tangent again! 

Where was I? 

Oh yes.. building an online presence and website! How could I forget🙄😂 

Luckily one of my amazing, incredibly talented client has a website design company and offered to create me a website. How lucky am I?! 

For me I’m most excited to see how this helps to build my business, and help direct people in the right direction. I’m also absolutely buzzing to show you all what we’ve been working on behind the scenes!

So alongside trying to gather information, pictures and content for the website I have also been focusing on building my nail artistry skills. 

Nail artistry.. I know how fancy does that sound! Basically nail art! But nail artistry totes sounds fancier💁🏼‍♀️😂 

A few of my fellow (insanely talented) nail techs online have hosting their very own masterclasses which each week are based on completely different things. All ranging from old English style writing to stars, lightning bolts and butterfly’s! 

If you want a full set of old style English please let me know so I can block out the whole day and get my bottle on wine in the fridge chilling ready for afterwards!😂 

It’s been so so lovely to get creative. I’ve gained so many new friends through these masterclasses and they really have given me a buzz each time. Feel like I’m on a night out with the girls when it’s masterclass nights🥂. 

By spending time focusing on my content it’s helped me to build up my following to 1,300 in just under 4 months! 

However amazing that is and I can’t thank everyone enough who comments, likes or supports me. It is so easy to get caught up in social media and all the stats, looking at others work and comparing yourself I think it’s really important to stay true to yourself and be you. 

People come to you and follow you because of who you are, so be you and show that in your posts! 

I’m not, nor do I claim to be a social media pro these are purely things I’ve learnt through many masterclasses and personal experiences. 

So yes, don’t get me wrong most of this has been done sat in the glorious sunshine with a pimms. However, we still got it down never the less. 

I hope you’re all staying safe and well. 

Remember there is no right or wrong when it comes to this current situation. If you have a bad day embrace it, pop on the pjs a Disney and get yourself your fave snack you deserve it. And likewise, If you’ve woken up feeling motived! Amazing, run with it! Get that to do list done, and make the day the best you can. Do what makes you happy and think about how far you’ve come today and how much further your going to go tomorrow. 

Much love always,

Simply Soph xxx

Please please do leave me a comment and let me know your struggles or positives you’ve gained from this lockdown. I’m always here for anyone, even if you just want a chat or someone to rant 

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